“I used to say that bikes must be inherently biased towards a wheel size. My 650 bikes never felt right with 700c and vice versa. This bike feels great with both wheels. It's a fast road bike, it's a nimble cross bike, it's at home on all day mixed adventure mishaps or on an actual cross course. In actuality, at the moment I'm unsure of what this bike isn't.... but the versatility has surpassed expectations or even needs.” - Ryan Francesconi
Straightforward. Elegant. Flawlessly executed. This bicycle was simply designed to go fast and to look great doing so. Does it matter that nearly imperceptible details have been considered and factored into the process? Things like a chain hanger on the interior of the drive-side seatstay, cable runs echoing the oblique lines of the logo itself, exquisite fillet brazing, a polished nameplate on the base of the bottom bracket bearing the rider’s initials. Did I mention that it is also fast?
Those paying attention may have spotted these curious beasts in the wild, cryptic branding revealing little as to their origin, yet they bear the mark of a refined builder with a very specific intent. It has been said they are created for individual riders to excel in their natural habitat. Backcountry singletrack? Cross course? Decommissioned National Forest road?
Depends on who is asking.
Also depends on who is riding.